Get Involved Today

You can play a powerful role in helping your local community be safer and more secure online. The National Cyber Security Alliance has a library of free materials, tools, and information that can be used to easily teach online safety at home, at work, or in your community. You can commit 10 minutes or 10 years to the cause. To make it easy, we have included a few suggestions to get you started.

Extraordinary Experiences

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Extraordinary Opportunities


The Champion program is a way to officially show your support for cybersecurity awareness. NCSA has two opportunities to become a Champion: Data Privacy Day (January 28); and Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October). Becoming a Champion is easy and does not require any financial support. Learn how you can become a Champion today.

Sponsorship Opportunities

A generous and extensive network of Fortune 500 corporations, educational and professional institutions, foundations, and individuals support AACSP. Through the resources they provide, our Sponsors are helping AACSP create and implement broad-reaching cybersecurity education and awareness programs to help encourage a culture of cybersecurity. Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities to support AACSP in its mission.


“Viverra nec consectetur dictum at pulvinar ac ornare sed a fringilla integer varius metus ac, cras purus vulputate ultrices amet, sit porta hac mattis.”

Alex Hobbs,

Founder, CEO of PointLab

Data Privacy Day

You can get involved at home, at work and in your community. Take action, help create a culture of privacy, and support Data Privacy Day’s theme of respecting privacy, safeguarding data, and enabling trust. Learn how you can get involved in Data Privacy Day.


The Data Privacy Day Champion program is a way to officially show your support. Champions represent those dedicated to empowering individuals and encouraging businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust. Being a Champion is easy and does not require any financial support.


Suitable Subheading

African Business & Cybersecurity

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Attend an Event

AOACSP hosts various live and virtual events throughout the year that raise awareness on all the latest cybersecurity topics. Check out the events page to see what’s happening and consider joining us at our next event!

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